Kids Electric Skateboards

Kids Electric Skateboards 1

In recent years, electric skateboards have surged in popularity among adults and teens alike, for both commuting and recreational purposes. This trend has not gone unnoticed by younger audiences, prompting manufacturers to design electric skateboards specifically for kids. These kid-friendly versions prioritize safety, size, and speed, catering to the unique needs and capabilities of younger riders. In part one of this blog post series, we’ll delve into the essential considerations parents and guardians should keep in mind when choosing an electric skateboard for their child, focusing on safety features, appropriate sizing, and speed limits.

Understanding the Appeal of Electric Skateboards for Kids

Electric skateboards offer a thrilling blend of traditional skateboarding fun with the added excitement of motor-powered movement. For kids, they provide a sense of independence and adventure, allowing them to zip around the neighborhood, parks, or skate parks with ease. Beyond the fun aspect, electric skateboards can also introduce children to the basics of electric mobility and responsible riding habits at an early age.

Safety First: Essential Features

When it comes to electric skateboards for kids, safety is paramount. Parents should look for models that are designed with numerous safety features to protect young riders. Here are some key safety aspects to consider:

1. Speed Limitations

Kids’ electric skateboards should have a capped maximum speed to ensure rides remain safe and controllable. Look for models that offer adjustable speed settings, allowing you to set a suitable maximum speed based on your child’s age, experience, and comfort level with the board.

2. Braking System

A reliable and smooth braking system is crucial for any electric skateboard, but even more so for kids. Electric skateboards should feature easy-to-use brakes that allow for gentle stops, giving kids the ability to control their speed effectively and avoid accidents.

3. Sturdy Construction

The build quality of the skateboard should be robust enough to withstand bumps and knocks. Durable materials that can handle the wear and tear of regular use are essential, ensuring the skateboard remains safe to use over time.

4. Additional Safety Gear

While not a feature of the skateboard itself, it’s worth noting that appropriate safety gear is a must. This includes helmets, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards. Investing in high-quality protective gear can significantly reduce the risk of injuries.

kids e skateboard

Size Matters: Choosing the Right Board

The size of the electric skateboard is another crucial factor to consider. A board that’s too large or heavy can be difficult for a child to maneuver, while one that’s too small may not offer enough stability. Here are some guidelines for selecting the right size:

1. Deck Size

Look for a deck size that’s appropriate for your child’s age and foot size. Younger children will benefit from shorter and narrower decks that provide better control.

2. Weight of the Board

The weight of the electric skateboard affects both its portability and ease of use. Kids should be able to comfortably carry their board and manage it during rides. Opt for lightweight models that don’t compromise on durability.

Speed Considerations: Keeping it Fun and Safe

The speed of a kid’s electric skateboard can greatly influence its safety and enjoyment. While the thrill of speed is part of the appeal, it’s important to choose a board with a sensible maximum speed that matches your child’s skill level. Most kids’ models have a top speed ranging from 6 to 12 mph, which is fast enough to be exciting but slow enough to remain safe. As your child grows and becomes more proficient, you can consider models with slightly higher speed capabilities.

The Benefits of Electric Skateboarding for Kids

Electric skateboarding presents a unique blend of physical exercise, outdoor exploration, and skill development, making it an enriching activity for children. Here’s a closer look at the benefits:

1. Physical Fitness

While electric skateboards are motor-powered, riding them still requires a considerable amount of physical activity. Balancing on a moving board engages core muscles, improves coordination, and enhances overall body strength. It’s an enjoyable way for kids to get active, encouraging a healthier lifestyle.

2. Outdoor Adventure

In today’s digital age, finding activities that encourage children to spend time outdoors can be challenging. Electric skateboarding is an exciting option that motivates kids to explore the outside world, breathe fresh air, and appreciate their surroundings, contributing to their mental well-being.

3. Motor Skills and Balance

Mastering an electric skateboard requires and develops fine motor skills and balance. Children learn to maneuver the board, adjust their weight distribution, and navigate various terrains, which can enhance their physical agility and confidence in other sports and activities.

4. Responsibility and Independence

Learning to care for and maintain an electric skateboard teaches children responsibility. Additionally, mastering independent riding can boost their self-esteem and sense of achievement, fostering a spirit of independence that transcends skateboarding.

kids skateboard

Teaching Kids to Ride Safely: Tips for Parents

Ensuring your child enjoys electric skateboarding safely is crucial. Here are some tips to help parents guide their children through the learning process:

1. Start with the Basics

Before jumping onto an electric skateboard, make sure your child is comfortable with a regular skateboard. Understanding the fundamentals of balancing and manual riding is essential and will make the transition to an electric version much smoother.

2. Choose a Safe Learning Environment

Begin in a safe, open area with flat terrain, such as an empty parking lot or a quiet park path. Avoid busy streets or areas with lots of obstacles until your child is more confident and skilled.

3. Practice with the Power Off

Have your child practice standing, pushing, and balancing on the electric skateboard with it turned off. This helps build a sense of balance and familiarity with the board’s feel without the added challenge of motor power.

4. Gradually Introduce Speed

Utilize the electric skateboard’s adjustable speed settings to start your child off slowly. As they become more comfortable and skilled, you can gradually increase the speed within safe limits.

5. Emphasize Safety Gear and Rules

Reinforce the importance of wearing all the necessary safety gear every time they ride. Additionally, teach your child the rules of the road and skateboarding etiquette, such as signaling turns and being mindful of pedestrians and other riders.


Kids’ electric skateboards offer more than just fun; they’re a gateway to physical fitness, outdoor exploration, and valuable life skills. By prioritizing safety, choosing the right board, and guiding your child through the learning process, you can ensure they enjoy all the benefits of electric skateboarding in a safe and responsible manner. Whether it’s cruising through the neighborhood or mastering new tricks at the park, electric skateboarding can be a rewarding activity that supports your child’s growth and development.

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